
Anti-Rassismus, Refugee Power 

Stop the Transfers! Papers (Birth Certificates) for All! (08/2021) 8 min.

Tog­e­ther-We-Are Bre­men, a refu­gee self-orga­niza­ti­on demands to stop the trans­fers of deli­bera­te­ly for­cing refu­gees out of Bre­men to some other camps. And they demand birth cer­ti­fi­ca­tes for the child­ren born here and being denied their rights. Refu­gees who don’t fol­low the trans­fers lose their social rights and stay on the streets. Women who gave birth stay wit­hout any rights becau­se of the refu­sal of the offi­ci­als to give them the papers for their child­ren. (Bre­men 08/2021)

Standesamt Bremen: Still Protests / Weiterhin Proteste (06/2021) 7 min.

After more than one year of pro­tests still many Black Afri­can women are being denied the birth cer­ti­fi­ca­tes for their child­ren. The Stan­des­amt still refu­ses to do its job: to issue the papers for the kids.

Nach über einem Jahr von Pro­tes­ten wird vie­len Schwar­zen Afri­ka­ni­schen Frau­en in Bre­men noch immer die Geburts­ur­kun­de für ihre Kin­der ver­wei­gert. Das Stan­des­amt wei­gert sich immer noch sei­ne Arbeit zu tun: die Papie­re für die Kin­der auszustellen.

Protest Aktion von Together-We-Are-Bremen beim Bremer Innensenator /Protest Action of Together-We-Are-Bremen at the Bremen Senator of the Interior (02/2021) 12 min.

Schwarze Frauen fordern die Geburtsurkunden für ihre Kinder ein, die das Standesamt ihnen verweigert
Black Women Demand Birth Certificates for Their Children which the Registry Office refuses to give them

Ein Kind unver­züg­lich nach sei­ner Geburt zu regis­trie­ren, ist eine Staa­ten­ver­pflich­tung aus Art. 7 Abs. 1 UN-Kin­der­rechts­kon­ven­ti­on. Wenn kei­ne Ein­tra­gung erfolgt, ist das Kind für den Staat nicht exis­tent. In der Fol­ge wer­den einem die damit ver­bun­de­nen Rech­te und Pflich­ten ver­wei­gert. Fehlt der Nach­weis einer Regis­trie­rung, gibt es gro­ße Schwie­rig­kei­ten beim Zugang zu Sozi­al­leis­tun­gen oder auch zur Gesund­heits­vor­sor­ge. Daher ist die Ein­tra­gung in ein Gebur­ten­re­gis­ter von gro­ßer Bedeu­tung für das wei­te­re Leben des Kin­des – und das der Mutter.

Regis­tering a child imme­dia­te­ly after birth is a sta­te obli­ga­ti­on under Artic­le 7 (1) of the UN Con­ven­ti­on on the Rights of the Child. If regis­tra­ti­on does not take place, the child does not exist for the sta­te. As a result, one is denied the rights and duties asso­cia­ted with it. If the­re is no pro­of of regis­tra­ti­on, the­re are gre­at dif­fi­cul­ties in acces­sing social bene­fits or even health care. The­r­e­fo­re, regis­tra­ti­on in a birth regis­try is of gre­at importance for the fur­ther life of the child — and that of the mother.

Empowerment and Solidarity / Empowerment und Solidarität (Bremen, 12/2020) 7 min.

Dr. Sun­ny Omwe­ny­e­ke, refu­gee-acti­vist on empower­ment and soli­da­ri­ty, not pater­na­lism and charity.

Dr. Sun­ny Omwe­ny­e­ke, Refu­gee Akti­vist zu Empower­ment und Soli­da­ri­tät, statt Pater­na­lis­mus und Wohltätigkeit.

Refused Birth-Certificates / Geburtsurkunden verweigert (engl. / dt.) Bremen, 07/2020

The Bre­men Regis­tra­ti­on Office refu­ses to give birth cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons to about 200 child­ren. The­se are all black child­ren. Wit­hout birth-cer­ti­fi­ca­te they can­not get health insu­rance, they get no medi­cal access: neither the child­ren nor their mothers. The mothers held tog­e­ther with Tog­e­ther-we-are-Bre­men a pro­test action in front of the office.
Das Bre­mer Stan­des­amt ver­wei­gert ca. 200 Kin­dern die Geburts­ur­kun­de. Es sind Schwar­ze Kin­der. Die betrof­fe­nen Kin­der bekom­men ohne Geburts­ur­kun­de kei­ne Kran­ken­ver­si­che­rung, kei­nen Zugang zu medi­zi­ni­scher Ver­sor­gung: weder sie noch ihre Müt­ter. Die Müt­ter haben zusam­men mit Tog­e­ther we are Bre­men eine Pro­test­kund­ge­bung vor dem Stan­des­amt gemacht.

Black Lives Matter Demonstration, Bremen 02.06.2020, 7 min.

Tog­e­ther We Are Bre­men orga­ni­zed spon­ta­neous­ly a demons­tra­ti­on: they expec­ted about 250 peo­p­le coming, 2.500 were coming. The video coll­ects some impres­si­ons from the powerful demons­tra­ti­on, with many free­ly kept spee­ches (open micro­pho­ne for Black, Peo­p­le of Color — BPoC)

Edwin from Queeraspora, Black Lives Matter (BLM) Demonstration 06.2020 Bremen, 7 min.

On 2. of June 2020 the­re was a demons­tra­ti­on “Black Lives Mat­ter. Against Racism and Poli­ce bru­ta­li­ty” in Bre­men, Ger­ma­ny, orga­ni­zed very spon­ta­neous­ly by Tog­e­ther We Are Bre­men. 250 peo­p­le were expec­ted, 2.500 have been the­re. The Micro­pho­ne was open to BPoC (Black, Peo­p­le of Color). 

Edwin from Que­er­aspo­ra had this speech, as “a proud Black bise­xu­al man”.

Fato­u­ma­ta Cham, stu­dent nur­se befo­re she left Gam­bia, Refu­gee acti­vist from Tog­e­ther-We-Are-Bre­men, until her trans­fer resi­ded in Lin­den­stras­se (3 months).
Fato­u­ma­ta Cham, Refu­gee-Akti­vis­tin bei Tog­e­ther-We-Are-Bre­men, leb­te bis zu ihrem Trans­fer 3 Mona­te in der Lin­den­stra­ße, sie war stu­den­ti­sche Kran­ken­pfle­ge­rin, bevor sie Gam­bia verließ.

Living Conditions in the Camp Lindenstraße, Bremen (06.2020) / Die Situation im Lager Lindenstraße, Bremen (06.2020) 13 min.

During the Coro­na + Rama­dan times Tog­e­ther-we-are-Bre­men (TWAB) deci­ded to cook for the locked-in inha­bi­tants of the Lin­den­stras­se Camp, Bre­men, who were put under qua­ran­ti­ne. Seve­ral groups coo­ked so that every day the­re was good Afri­can food deli­ver­ed…
In Coro­na Zei­ten und Rama­dan hat Tog­e­ther-we-are-Bre­men (TWAB) beschlos­sen für die Bewohner*innen des Lin­den­stra­ßen Camps, die unter Qua­ran­tä­ne gestellt waren zu kochen. Ver­schie­de­ne Grup­pen haben je einen Wochen­tag über­nom­men und jeden Tag dafür gesorgt, dass trotz Qua­ran­tä­ne gutes afri­ka­ni­sches Essen ins Camp orga­ni­siert wurde.

Together-we-are-Bremen: Solidarity Cooking / Soli Kochen Bremen 05.2020, 9 min.

Ansu on Corona Measures in the Camp (10 min) / Ansu zu Corona Maßnahmen im Lager (10 min.) Bremen 05.2020

Ansu Jan­neh lived for 5 months in Lin­den­stras­se Camp Bre­men. “They did­n’t lis­ten to us.” — “My mes­sa­ge: You have to speak up!”

Ansu Jan­neh leb­te 5 Mona­te im Lager Lin­den­stras­se, Bre­men, “Sie haben nicht auf uns gehört.” — “Mei­ne Bot­schaft: ihr müsst den Mund aufmachen!”

Speech of Modou Jobe /Modou Jobes Rede, 10 min., Bremen 05/2020

Bre­men, 4.5.2020, a pro­test action against the respon­si­ble Health Sena­tor of Bre­men. The pro­test of the group Tog­e­ther-we-are-Bre­men demands the shut down of the refu­gee camp Lin­den­stras­se. Modou Jobe is one of the spea­k­ers at this action: The living con­di­ti­ons in Lin­den­stras­se camp have alre­a­dy been bad wit­hout Coro­na pan­de­mie, now they are life/he­alth-threa­tening. The igno­rance of the poor con­di­ti­ons the­re are part of a racist struc­tu­re of the society.

Bre­men, 4.5.2020, Pro­test von Tog­e­ther-er-are-Bre­men bei der ver­ant­wort­li­chen Gesund­heits­se­na­to­rin. Die Haupt­for­de­rung ist die sofor­ti­ge Schlie­ßung der Geflüch­te­ten Sammelunterkunft/Lager Lin­den­stra­ße. Modou Jobe ist einer der Redner*innen der Akti­on: auch ohne Coro­na Pan­de­mie waren die Lebens­be­din­gun­gen in der Lin­den­stra­ße sehr schlecht, jetzt sind sie lebens- /ge­sund­heits-gefähr­dend. Das Igno­rie­ren die­ser Miss­stän­de ist ein Teil der ras­sis­ti­schen Struk­tu­ren in die­ser Gesellschaft.

Let’s open a discussion: Refugee politics in times of Corona / Zur Diskussion: Refugee Politik in Zeiten von Corona, 10 min. Bremen 05 / 2020

 10 min. Bremen 05 / 2020

Dr. Sun­ny Omwe­ny­e­ke cri­ti­ci­zes Lower Stan­dards for Refu­gees / Dr. Sun­ny Omwe­ny­e­ke kri­ti­siert nied­ri­ge­re Stan­dards für Refugees

Tog­e­ther We Are Bre­men is pro­test­ing in front of the office of the health sena­tor against the igno­rance towards the health of refu­gees. The camps in town are end­an­ge­ring (and alre­a­dy dama­ging) direct­ly the health of the inhabitants.

Corona Protection for all, protest at the health senator, Bremen 05.2020, 9 min.

In the evening, after the demons­tra­ti­on the­re were even 2 more flo­ors to be put under qua­ran­ti­ne in the Lin­den­stras­se. One of the acti­vists got expel­led with a house ban for cri­ti­ci­zing the qua­ran­ti­ne conditions.

Lindenstrasse Demo 17.04. Bremen, 12 min.

The only Demons­tra­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny on this day — under spe­cial Coro­na-con­di­ti­ons. One day befo­re the test results pro­ved 33 peo­p­le posi­ti­ve on the virus in the refu­gee Camp Lin­den­stras­se (Bre­men). The sys­tem of the camp is not pro­vi­ding the nee­ded health secu­ri­ty for the inha­bi­tants. So they and sup­port­ing Bre­men groups are deman­ding again the clo­sing of such camps — espe­ci­al­ly in times of Coro­na. At the end they are deli­ve­ring the 4177 let­ters of a peti­ti­on, deman­ding the clo­sure of Lin­den­stras­se camp.


Womens* protest in Lindenstrasse Camp: Corona is here! / Frauen* Protest im Lindenstraße Camp: Corona ist hier! / 04/20 Bremen, 15 min.

Pro­test in the cen­tral camp Lin­den­stras­se, Bre­men, a huge mass camp in a for­mer indus­tri­al buil­ding. With 500–700 inha­bi­tants it is almost impos­si­ble to keep social distancing, a Coro­na infec­tion is a real thre­at. Many women with small child­ren are pro­test­ing aginst their unpro­tec­ted situation.

Pro­test gegen die ZAST Lin­den­stras­se, Bre­men, eine rie­si­ge Sam­mel­un­ter­kunft für Geflüch­te­te in einem ehe­ma­li­gen Indus­trie-Gebäu­de. Mit 500–700 Bewohner*innen ist social distancing unmög­lich, die Coro­na-Anste­ckung eine rea­le Gefahr. Vie­le Frau­en mit klei­nen Kin­dern pro­tes­tie­ren gegen ihre schutz­lo­se Situation.

Lindenstraße-Camp Protest, 03 /20 Bremen, 5 min.

Lin­den­stra­ße is the “arri­val-cent­re” for refu­gees in Bre­men with about 700 inha­bi­tants in a for­mer indus­tri­al buil­ding. The peo­p­le are living in bed­rooms of 6–10 peo­p­le with locked win­dows. The walls are in part not up to the cei­ling, so ever­y­bo­dy hears ever­y­bo­dy; the noi­se level is all the time very high. The eating is cen­tra­li­zed, the peo­p­le can only eat during fixed times all tog­e­ther the can­ti­ne-food. Due to Coro­na Virus the kids are not even allo­wed any­mo­re to the sad play­ground. “Social distancing” is impos­si­ble. If offi­ci­als are serious about Coro­na pro­tec­tion, the camp has to be shut down as fast as pos­si­ble. (03/2020)