Women in Exile Tour 2021: Bremen

As Black Women we have to fight for everything!

On the podi­um dis­cus­sion with Women in Exi­le, Tog­e­ther-We-Are-Bre­men and Medi­netz Bre­men on the situa­ti­on of pregnant women in mass shel­ters for refu­gees in Bre­men, Ger­ma­ny. (eng­lish, 2 min.) 07 / 2021

Aus Sicht einer Hebamme: Die Situation in Massenunterkünften

Frau­ke Schuk­at arbei­tet als Heb­am­me auch in Mas­sen­un­ter­künf­ten für geflüch­te­te Men­schen. Sie sieht die struk­tu­rel­len Pro­ble­me für schwan­ge­re Frau­en / jun­ge Müt­ter und deren Babies. (deutsch, 4,5 min.) 07 /2021

Pregnancy under difficult conditions: The Situation of pregnant Refugees in Germany (Panel Discussion, Part 1 and 2)

Women in Exi­le on Tour had this dis­cus­sion in Bre­men with Tog­e­ther-We-Are-Bre­men acti­vists and Medi­netz Bre­men. (Part 1 and 2, eng­lish, 50 min. and 1 h 3 min) 07/2021

Women in Exile on Tour 2021: Bremen (4 min. deutsch and english) 

Women in Exi­le & Fri­ends­have been making sum­mer tours to dif­fe­rent Ger­man fede­ral sta­tes to con­nect with other refu­gee women*, espe­ci­al­ly tho­se living in lager. In Bre­men the­re was a mee­ting with Tog­e­ther-We-Are-Bre­men (TWAB) and a podi­um dis­cus­sion orga­ni­zed tog­e­ther with Medi­netz Bre­men and TWAB.

Maternal Rights (8 min. engl.)

For many years Women in Exi­le & Fri­ends have been making sum­mer tours to dif­fe­rent Ger­man fede­ral sta­tes to con­nect with other refu­gee women*, espe­ci­al­ly tho­se living in lager. This sum­mer we will move to Ham­burg, Bre­men and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

We want to empower refu­gee women* to beco­me poli­ti­cal­ly acti­ve, in order to fight for their rights as women* living in this socie­ty. We also want to address the ques­ti­on of ope­ning poli­ti­cal struc­tures to refu­gee women*. Our main poli­ti­cal fight is against the lager sys­tem. We belie­ve the shared and iso­la­ted accom­mo­da­ti­ons work as a cata­lyst to sexu­al vio­lence, trau­mas and depres­si­ons lea­ding to (attempt­ed) suicides.

We want to:

  • bring into public iso­la­ti­on, racism, sexism, reports on trau­mas on tho­se expe­ri­en­cing slee­p­less nights for fear of depor­ta­ti­on and the effects of the coro­na pandemic.
  • encou­ra­ge and net­work with refu­gee women*, groups and indi­vi­du­als working with refu­gee women*.
  • break bor­ders pre­ven­ting our par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and build bridges to con­nect us to communities.
  • be given the oppor­tu­ni­ty to choo­se whe­re we want to live in dignity.
  • con­nect with the refu­gee women* fight­ing for their children‘s right to birth certificates.